Sanctions for Common Alcohol and Other Drug Offenses


These sanctions apply to alcohol and other drug offenses for students at Rutgers University New Brunswick. Sanctions may be increased based on the nature and severity of the behavior and/or the previous disciplinary history of the student. Sanctions may be modified by the Conduct Officer or Hearing Board if mitigating or aggravating factors are present.

Please note, this summary captures the most common alcohol and other drug offenses, but not all possible offenses. For a full list of alcohol- and other drug-related policies, see "Resources" above.


Alcohol Violations - Personal Possession/Consumption

Violation: Underage possession and/or consumption of alcohol

1st Offense

  • Reprimand
  • HOPE alcohol workshop or ADAP assessment
  • Reflection paper
  • Parental notification as appropriate

2nd Offense

  • Disciplinary Probation (1 semester minimum)
  • ADAP assessment
  • $100 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

3rd Offense

  • Disciplinary Suspension (1 semester minimum)

  • ADAP assessment upon return from suspension
  • $200 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

4th Offense

  • Disciplinary Expulsion

Other Drug Violations, Personal Possession/Consumption

Violation: Possession and/or use of drugs, controlled substances, and/or paraphernalia

1st Offense

  • Reprimand
  • ADAP assessment
  • Parental notification as appropriate

2nd Offense

  • Reprimand
  • Disciplinary Probation (1 academic year minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment
  • Removal from University housing (for arrest)
  • $100 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

3rd Offense

  • Disciplinary Suspension (1 academic year minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment
  • $200 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

4th Offense

  • Disciplinary Expulsion

Alcohol Violations - Distribution

Violation: Prohibited distribution and/or sale of alcohol; providing alcohol to persons under the legal drinking age in New Jersey

1st Offense

  • Disciplinary Probation (1 semester minimum)
  • ADAP assessment
  • $150 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

2nd Offense

  • Disciplinary Probation (1 academic year minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment
  • $200 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

3rd Offense

  • Disciplinary Suspension (1 academic year minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment upon return from suspension
  • $250 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

4th Offense

  • Disciplinary Expulsion

Other Drug Violations - Distribution

Violation: Distribution and/or sale of drugs or controlled substances

1st Offense

  • Disciplinary Suspension (1 academic year minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment upon return from suspension
  • $200 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

2nd Offense

  • Disciplinary suspension (2 academic years minimum, including summers)
  • ADAP assessment upon return from suspension
  • $300 fine
  • Parental notification as appropriate

3rd Offense

  • Disciplinary Expulsion