Our Mission

The Office of Student Conduct supports the educational goals of Rutgers University by facilitating processes that 1) assist students in making better choices in regards to their behavior, 2) provide an outlet for community members to addresses conflict, and 3) aid in the creation of a safer, more educational, and more inclusive community.

Our Goals

  • To deliver a multi-partial, educational, student conduct system.
  • To promote a positive, safe, and civil campus climate.
  • To provide opportunities and options for community members to resolve conflicts.
  • To educate the University community on the University Code of Student Conduct and the Academic Integrity Policy.
  • To treat all community members with consideration and respect.
  • To support students in their educational and personal development by challenging students when their behavior violates community standards and providing opportunities for them to learn from their actions.

Our Critical Functions

  • Investigating and adjudicating alleged incidents of student misconduct.
  • Recruiting, training and supervising members of the University Hearing Board, Campus Advisors, Academic Integrity Facilitators, and other participants in the disciplinary process.
  • Creating learning opportunities for students through membership in the Scarlet Honor Council, peer education, and educational sanctions.
  • Providing programming on academic integrity and other ethical issues to the University community.
  • Advising the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chancellors, and other members of the University community on issues of student conduct.
  • Managing student conduct records.