Interim Suspension Process


When a student is alleged to have violated the Code of Student Conduct, and the alleged behavior indicates that the student may pose a threat to themselves, to others, or to property, an Interim Suspension may be implemented. A student under Interim Suspension is immediately removed from the University community; they may not attend classes, reside in the residence halls, or otherwise be present on University property.

1. Once the alleged violation is reported, the Senior Student Affairs Officer (SSAO) determines whether an interim suspension is appropriate. If the SSAO approves the suspension, the accused student is charged with the relevant violation and immediately removed from campus. The student is banned from all University property, and may be arrested for trespassing if they violate this ban.

2. If the student wishes to challenge the suspension, they may meet with the Senior Student Affairs Officer within two (2) working days of the suspension. The SSAO considers any information provided by the student and evaluates the suspension based on a) the possible threat posed by the student, and b) the reliability of the available information about the incident.

3. If the SSAO finds that the information about the incident is reliable and that the student does pose a potential threat, the interim suspension will remain in place.

4. If the SSAO determines that the interim suspension is unwarranted, the suspension will be lifted and the student may return to the University. However, even if the interim suspension is lifted, the charges are not dismissed; the University proceeds based on the customary disciplinary process.