Report a Concern

Red "Help" Button

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately! From a University phone, obtain an outside line and dial 9-1-1.

1. Do you think that a crime has occurred and/or you want information about the criminal process? Contact your local police department or the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) at 732-932-7111.

Police Contacts

Rutgers-New Brunswick Campuses RUPD New Brunswick 732-932-7111
City of New Brunswick New Brunswick PD 732-745-5200
City of Piscataway Piscataway PD 732-562-1100
Rutgers-Newark Campus RUPD Newark 973-353-5111
RBHS-Newark Campus RUPD Newark 973-972-4491
Rutgers-Camden Campus RUPD Camden 856-225-6111


2. Are you the victim of a crime? Contact Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at 848-932-1181.


3. Are you reporting non-academic misconduct by a Rutgers University student? Use our online reporting form. Someone from the Office of Student Conduct will contact you. While you can anonymously report behavior, please note that we may be unable to take any action from anonymous reports.


4. Do you wish to report an incident involving sexual harassment or sexual misconduct? Contact Student Affairs Compliance and Title IX.


5. Do you wish to report an incident involving other forms of discrimination or harassment?


6. Are you an instructor wishing to report an academic integrity violation? Complete the Academic Integrity Reporting Form. If you wish to speak to a staff member before filing a complaint, please contact Melissa Backus, Associate Director, at 848-932-9414.


7. For more information about making a complaint and the student disciplinary process, consult Frequently Asked Questions from Complainants and Rights of Complainants and Accused Students.