Expulsion Clemency Policy


Individuals who have been expelled from the University may seek clemency under the following circumstances and conditions:

  1. The individual must wait a minimum of five (5) calendar years after the original expulsion before initiating a request for clemency. If the individual has taken classes elsewhere in the intervening period, those credits will not transfer towards the Rutgers degree.
  2. The request for clemency must be made in writing to the Chancellor on the appropriate campus, hereafter referred to as the Clemency Officer. The written request should include appropriate documentation concerning the individual’s status during the intervening years since the expulsion, any additional mitigating circumstances with appropriate documentation, and any additional information about character or change of behavior that may be appropriate. This documentation may include records pertaining to mental health status, employment records, criminal or probation records, educational records, social service records, and letters of recommendation. NOTE: A victim impact statement will be allowable if relevant. The Clemency Officer should arrange for its inclusion in the assembled documents.
  3. Upon receipt of the request for clemency, the Clemency Officer may consult with whomever they wish and may empower an advisory panel to advise them. The Clemency Officer or advisory panel will review the request for clemency and may conduct a personal interview with the individual and/or conduct other forms of inquiry as needed.
  4. The Clemency Officer will make a recommendation to the President on clemency including specific conditions, if any, for admission/readmission.
  5. The final decision (with any special conditions) will be made by the President and transmitted to the Clemency Officer on the campus from which the individual was expelled.
  6. The decision of the President is final.
  7. If clemency is granted, the individual will be readmitted to the University and to the school, program, or successor unit from which they were expelled (assuming they are academically qualified for reënrollment). If the individual wants to attend a different academic unit within the University, they will be subject to the same requirements and approval processes as any current student. They will remain on Probation, noted on the transcript, until the degree is completed, at which time the notation will be removed, as will the notation regarding the original expulsion.
  8. The individual must meet whatever graduation requirements are in place at the time of readmission. The President may impose additional conditions on the individual’s readmission.
  9. A record of the expulsion will remain in the student’s disciplinary records maintained by the Office of Student Conduct/Community Standards, and is not subject to expunction.