Medical Amnesty

The University strongly encourages students to call a University Official and/or Medical Professional for medical assistance for themselves or for community members who are dangerously under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No student seeking medical treatment for the effects of drug or alcohol use will be subject to university discipline for violations pertaining to drug or alcohol possession/use as outlined in the University Code of Student Conduct.


Medical Amnesty will be granted to both the intoxicated student and to the student seeking medical assistance for the intoxicated student; however, both the intoxicated student and the reporting student will be required to meet with their respective campus’ Conduct/Standards Office to provide a detailed account of the events leading to the need for assistance in order to receive amnesty. Additionally, involved students may be required to participate in an educational program related to drugs or alcohol. Medical Amnesty does not apply to disciplinary action relating to any other Code violation including, but not limited to, assault, property damage, or the presence of or distribution of other substances. Medical Amnesty does not apply to student organizations.